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  • Thornton siblings volunteer to help with Timor-Leste elections again

    Rob Crossing

    678789147_ScreenShot2018-05-08at10_34_00am.thumb.png.3236850aeaa6f01c57afd52e525afe13.pngScreen Shot 2018-05-08 at 10.36.56 am.pngColleen Thornton-Ward and her brother, Murray Thornton, both committee members of the association, are once again volunteering as international observers at the forthcoming Timor-Leste election on 12 May 2018.

    To see the story as published by the Eastern Reporter, please click here.


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    Bravo, Colleen and Murray.  It's heartening to see Aussies taking our debt to Timor Leste seriously and doing this.  Thank you.  I wonder if either of you would like to write about your experiences after - I suspect I wouldn't be alone in wanting to hear how you go.  Either way, all the very best to you and your Timor colleagues. 

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