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  • Anzac Dawn Service 2019 - Cristo Rei - Timor-Leste

    John Denman

    The MC for the Dawn Service was Lieutenant-Colonel Martin Dransfield, from the New Zealand Defence Force.

    Martin is currently the Strategic Advisor to Chief of Staff of the Falintil–Forcas de Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) or Timor-Leste Defense Force.

    The Service was well attended by Timorese Veterans and civilians; NZ, US and Australian Defence personnel currently serving in Timor-Leste, and the 1942 Tour Group, including the Hayes family.

    Excellent service, well led by Martin and during the service Martin mentioned the 2/2 and the tour group on a couple of occasions.

    On completion of the service, the Timorese Veterans requested they meet and shake the hands of all tour group members, and traditional Timorese tais were presented to all members of the touring group by the Timorese General.

    A most enjoyable and enriching service with lots of photos being taken, both by tour group members and the Timorese Veterans.

    image.png Murray Harrington

    Ed Willis, Paul Harrington (son of Reginald Douglas Harrington WX13252) and John Denman Trevor Harrington, Monica Mullikin (Harrington) and Timorese Veterans

    Timorese Veterans image.png

    The Hayes Family Milson Family


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